Course Expiration
Once you register you have up to one year to complete the course.
Course Description
Measles is a serious disease that can lead to devastating medical complications and suffering. Measles Outbreak covers the course and symptoms of measles and how medical science successfully eradicated the disease in 2002. The last five years has seen a reemergence of the disease that can be traced to declining vaccinations rates. The course takes a close look at the pathology of the measles and importance of maintaining high vaccination rates. Special attention is placed on recent outbreaks in California and the legislation that has eliminated personal exemptions and current efforts for increased oversight of medical exemptions. Administrators of residential care facilities for adults, children and elderly often work with residents who have comprised immune systems. Administrators should be familiar with measles and ensure that all clients and staff are vaccinated.
Course Objectives:Become familiar with the course symptoms, cause, and treatment of measles.
Understand how measles is transmitted.
Learn the history of measles and the public health effort to eradicate the disease.
Become familiar with recent outbreaks across the country in the last five years and in particular 2019.
Gain knowledge of the science behind the development of the measles vaccine and the importance of maintaining high rates in all communities.
Gain knowledge of why infants must wait until one year prior to being vaccinated.
Gain a deeper understanding of the success of the anti-vaccination movement in convincing parents to not vaccinate their children.
Get up to date on California’s vaccination laws.