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Course Summary 

This three-hour online course looks at the different kinds of depression from minor adjustment reactions to major depression and bipolar disorder. Depression can cause serious disruption to sleep, appetite, enjoyment of life, relationships with others, work, and tasks of daily living. Depression is also associated with the risk of suicide. Students will learn the causes of depression and how it differs in men and women in its incidence and symptoms. Administrators who work with children will better understand how to identify depression in young people and when to seek out treatment. Providers who work with adolescents who have autism will learn to recognize the difference between social isolation in autism and true depression. Students will also learn how the risk for depression increases in the elderly along with physical problems such as heart disease. Readers will appreciate a fascinating lesson on learned helplessness that looks at how an individual’s negative view of self can perpetuate low self-esteem and self-defeating behaviors. The final lesson covers the basics of anti-depressant medication as well as the revival of ECT for more severe depression.

This course is co-located for ARF, RCFE, and GH. Depression is a complex disorder that occurs over the entire lifespan. Assessing depression in an older adult begins by gathering information that includes the age of onset, family history, mental health contacts and treatments. An RCFE administrator who discovers a client had a history of depression in youth is in a better position to communicate a more meaningful history to the physician. A GH or ARF administrator can better understand the arc of depres-sion over an individual’s lifespan and more successfully identify the disorder, seek early treatment, and prevent a more severe decline.

Course Objectives:
Understand what depression is and when to seek out treatment for clients under your care.

Gain knowledge of how to differentiate the signs and characteristics of major depression vs. minor depression, bipolar disorder, and seasonal disturbances.

Gain knowledge of how to recognize how depression differs in men and women.

Develop basic competency in learning how to identify depression in children and adolescents who have autism.

Gain knowledge of both Learned Helplessness and Learned Optimism in understanding depression.

Learn the signs and symptoms of Bipolar Disorder, and it’s treatment.

Gain knowledge of antidepressant medications, their usefulness and the revival of ECT for more severe depression.


HIV Infection and Tuberculosis

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Course Summary 

This course satisfies Title 22 Regulation 85064 that requires Adult Residential Care Administrators to complete a 4-hour course in HIV/AIDS TB within 6 months of becoming an administrator and subsequently every two years.

Following each lesson, there is a quiz.  You must achieve a score of 70% to move on to the next lesson. The use of quizzes satisfies the CCL regulation that online courses be interactive.


This fascinating look at HIV AIDS and TB begins in Africa where AIDS jumped from apes to humans. Students will learn how both HIV and TB are transmitted, along with current treatments. The course also describes how the stigma of HIV can impact treatment. The course covers the different impact of HIV on women and African Americans along with people who have intellectual disability and mental illness. Knowledge of both HIV and TB are critical to administrators of all Community Care Facilities. At the conclusion of the course the student will acquire knowledge of:

Basic HIV Biology
The Course of the Disease
Social Stigma
Testing/Treatment (Medications)

Differing Impact on Populations

Intellectual Disability
Mentally Ill
African Americans
Older People
Gay and Bisexual Males




Food Service: Regulations

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Course Summary 

Title 22 provides federal rules for the safe preparation, storage, and service of food. It also covers sanitation of food preparation areas and provides dish washing regulations and guidelines for refrigeration and freezing. Familiarity with Title 22 rules is necessary for the provision of safe and healthy foods and the prevention of food borne illness. Students will become familiar with food service, selection, preparation, and storage regulations. Cleaning methods and contamination prevention will be covered in detail. Supplemental material will further illustrate the importance of the regulations in maintaining residents' health and well-being.

Course Objectives:

Learn safe food preparation and handling to prevent the spread of food borne illness.

Become familiar with correct hand washing, personal hygiene, and kitchen and dish room sanitation techniques.

Become familiar with the temperature "danger zone" for bacterial growth.

Know required refrigerator and freezer temperatures, as well as storage areas and time periods for both perishable and nonperishable items.

Learn about odor control and the shelf life of refrigerated foods.

Understand refrigeration and the importance of proper cleaning and ventilation.

Learn how to purchase healthy food and ensure its safety utilizing thorough inspection and optimal transportation and storage.

Develop ongoing protocols and systems in the facility to ensure food is properly prepared.

Learn proper cooking methods, in particular best temperature, for different types of food.

Understand safe selection, handling, storage, and preparation of meat.

Learn the importance of safe seafood and shellfish selection, storage, preparation, and service.

Know how to prevent contamination and what to do with contaminated food.

Gain thorough knowledge of bacteria and foodborne illness; understand the two different types of bacteria and their effects on food.

Learn proper care of garbage and how to procure and maintain properly designated garbage containers.

Understand rules for proper storage of toxic substances and keeping them away from food preparation areas.

Fragile X The Story

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Course Summary 

Following each lesson, there is a quiz. You must achieve a score of 70% to move on to the next lesson. The use of quizzes satisfies the CCL regulation that online courses be interactive.

Course Description
Fragile X is a known genetic cause of autism. Individuals with Fragile X have learning problems, developmental delays, and high rates of epilepsy and sensory problems. This fascinating course provides a up-close look at exactly what Fragile X is along with how families cope with raising a child with Fragile X. On conclusion of the course, the student will have solid knowledge of how Fragile X impacts the social and emotional lives of families who are raising a child with Fragile X.
Course Objectives:
Understand the genetics and inheritance link in Fragile X.
Identify the physical features of Fragile X including facial features and loss of muscle tone.
Identify the emotional and behavioral aspects of Fragile X.
Gain knowledge of current research into drug treatments for Fragile X.


Foodborne Illness

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Course Summary 
Following each lesson, there is a quiz.  You must achieve a score of 70% to move on to the next lesson. The use of quizzes satisfies the CCL regulation that online courses be interactive.

Course Description

There are many ways a resident can contract a food-borne illness. Even the most rigorous inspection cannot guard against an outbreak of food-borne illness.  Despite the best efforts of County and Federal inspectors, food enters our food system already contaminated with deadly bacteria such as E. Coli or Salmonella.

Food safety and prevention of illness is the highest priority in caring for residents of community care facilities.  The FDA defines “highly susceptible populations” as persons who are more likely than other people in the general population to experience food-borne disease because they are:

Immunocompromised; preschool children, or older adults; and obtaining FOOD at a facility that provides services such as custodial care, health care, or assisted living, such as a child or adult day care center, kidney dialysis center, hospital or nursing home, or nutritional or socialization services such as a senior center.

The course provides an overview of the major foodborne illnesses, how they spread, and what steps the administrator can take to minimize and eliminate the risk of illness. Protocols for food storage, refrigeration, and cooking are covered in detail.

The objectives of the course are:
Learn the following  major foodborne illnesses including symptoms and treatment.
E. Coli

Learn  New USDA Standards for Salmonella and Campylobacter.
Learn how to evaluate seafood along with proper storage, thawing and preparation.
Gain knowledge and understand how food becomes contaminated.
Gain knowledge and understand how food-borne illness outbreaks are investigated.

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ARF Initial ICTP Online Practice Questions

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