Yes, you need to show three months of operating expenses in your bank account. Along with your application, you need to submit three months of bank statements that show you have three times your operating expenses. Licensing expects your expenses will zero out on your estimated budget. That means if you have a monthly income of $20,000.00, you will spend all $20,000.00 to operate your facility. Therefore you would need to show $60,000.00 in the bank.
The amount is calculated using the Monthly Estimated Budget form that is part of the license application.
Regional Center Reimbursement Rates are based on the level of the facility.
Levels refer to facilities, not clients.
If you will be working with mental health clients you will need to see what is the social security income received by the client. Most clients with long-term psychiatric disability receive between $1000.00 and $1100.00 per month.
Decide what type of business entity you will be. Most people who operate residential care homes form a Corporation. As a corporation, you are protecting your personal assets in case you are sued. Common civil lawsuits are for falls in the shower and medication errors. Many people use Legal Zoom to form their corporation.
Legal Zoom
You must have a property to submit a license application. The license is attached to the wall of the inside of the house. You cannot transfer or sell the license. You must also check that the property is not within 300 feet of another Community Care Facility. You can check your property here.
You may own or lease a property.
Register for the Component 1 Online Orientation.
Now you are good to go and ready to complete the license application.
Submit the correct fee with your license application to the
Centralized Application Bureau
To operate your own facility you must have a licensee and certified administrator.
Most people who open their own facility are both the licensee and administrator.
So the first step 99 percent of the time is to become a certified administrator and take the ICTP ARF Course .
The licensee is responsible for the business and has ultimate authority and control and liability.
The administrator is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the facility and compliance with all laws and regulations.
As the licensee, you may hire an administrator if you wish. If you hire an administrator you do not need to take the ICTP ARF course to become a certified administrator. If you decide to hire someone to act as the administrator then you will be the licensee.
Once you complete the ICTP ARF course you will be issued a certificate of course completion.
Next pass the state exam and the state will issue you your official State Administrator Certificate that is good for two years. You renew your certificate every two years by taking 40 hours of CEU.
After passing the ARF Exam you will need to submit Fingerprint Clearance with your Administrator Application.
Step 1: Locate a Livescan site. and schedule an appointment or call this number and they will locate a site and schedule your clearance: 800-315-4507
Step 2: Complete the LIC 508
Step 3: Complete the Livescan Form LIC 9163
Box #6: If you are not currently working for a facility enter this number in Box #6: 345599999
Box #7: If you are not currently working for a facility enter CDSS.
Here is Sample Livescan Form LIC 9163 filled out for new administrators who are not associated with a facility.
To learn more about the background check process view this Criminal Background Check
Sometimes operators at livescan facilities become confused when the LIC 9163 shows your employer is CDSS. Do your best to explain how CDSS instructs new employees of residential care facilities to complete the form. If they refuse your best recourse is schedule your livescan at another livescan site or contact CDSS at
(916) 653-9300
Do I have to submit Criminal Record Clearance if I am already clear with a facility?
If your clearance status is active and clear, you do not need to submit prints again. To find out if you are active and in the system contact the local CCL office and ask to check your clearance status. If clear, the office staff will give you your LIS personnel number and status. If you are clear and active, write a note with your application that you are clear along with your LIS Personnel number and clearance status.
Note that if you previously worked for a facility over two years ago your clearance may have expired. Call. your local CCL office and check.
If I already have clearance from law enforcement, teacher or medical professional. Do I still have to get clearance?
Even if you have been printed and cleared through other state agencies, educational institutions, police agencies or governmental entities, you will need to be printed for CCLD purposes.
If your clearance status is active and clear, you do not need to submit prints again.
To find out if you are active and in the system contact the local CCL office and ask to check your clearance status. If clear, the office staff will give you your LIS personnel number and status. If you are clear and active, write a note with your application that you are clear along with your LIS Personnel number and clearance status.
You will still need to complete the Request for Live Scan Form LIC 9163 even if you are clear and current.
How to complete the Request for Live Scan Form LIC 9163 for new administrators who already have criminal record clearance with an existing facility.
Box 1: ORI – The CCLD ORI number is A0448, usually preprinted on the form.
Box 3: Applicant Type - Identify the type(s) of facility for which you are being
certified (e.g., ARF, GH, RCFE).
Box 4: Agency Section - Make no changes to preprinted info.
Box 5: Applicant Information – Add your personal information, etc.
Box 6: Facility Number - If you are currently working at a facility, or have been
hired by a facility, list the facility’s license number. You can locate the number of the facility by doing a search here.
Box 7: Employer - If you are currently working at a facility, or have been hired by
a facility, list the facility’s name and address.
You may also include a paper copy of your clearance if you have one.
Send in your completed Live Scan form LIC 9163 along with your Administrator Application.
Check the pending list to say the status of your application.
If you want more information re your application process contact the ACS section:
Community Care Licensing Division
Administrator Certification Section
744 P Street, MS 9 -17- 47
Sacramento, CA 95814
[email protected]
Even if you have been printed and cleared through other state agencies, educational institutions, police
agencies or governmental entities, you will need to be printed for CCLD purposes. You
will have to be printed again because the CCLD is not entitled to non-CCLD clearance
information, as background clearance information is not transferable.
If your clearance status is active and clear, you do not need to submit prints again. To find out if you are active and in the system contact the local CCL office and ask to check your clearance status. If clear the office staff will give you your LIS personnel number and status. If you are clear and active write a note with your application that you are clear along with your LIS Personnel number and clearance status.
Note that if you previously worked for a facility over two years ago your clearance may have expired. Call. your local CCL office and check.
We offer 40 bundles that are approved and current for ARF, RCFE, GH and STRTP. We do not offer BRN, LVN or BBS certification.
Course certificates are available for download and emailed to you instantly on completion of each course.
You can logout and the system will remember your progress when you log back in.
Following each lesson there are short quizzes with hints.
The ACS section limits all course activity to 10 hours per day.
Once you complete your courses you complete the Administrator Application and send in your 100 dollars application fee.
If you are not sure of your expiration date you can check the ACS Active List.
CCL has issued a waiver that all 40 hours of renewal can be taken online.
If you take 40 hours online you must complete all courses prior to Dec 31, 2021.
See page four in the linked document above for information re Recertification.
Yes, we offer 40 hours of renewal for RCFE.
CCL has issued a waiver that all 40 hours of renewal can be taken online.
See page four in the linked document above for information re Recertification.
The RCFE Bundle includes 8 hours of Dementia Training as well as a four-hour regulation course that meets the state requirement for a 4-hour course in regulations and policies.
You can view more detail re other courses in the bundle by clicking here:
Course certificates are available for download and emailed to you instantly on completion of each course.
You can start an online course, leave the course and the system will remember your progress. You have one year to complete all courses. We recommend you complete them quickly since the 40 hours online waiver may expire soon.
Subscribe to the Community Care Licensing Senior and Adult Care email list.
You only need to take the Initial Certification Training Program again if you are more than four years from your last expiration date. If you take the ICTP again and you are not more than four years from your last expiration date your Administrator Application will be rejected.
Two years from the date on your current certificate.
As long as you postmark on the date your renewal is due you are on time.
Community Care Licensing requires that four of the forty hours required for re-certification must be instruction in laws, regulations, policies, and procedural standards that impact residential care homes.
The courses below are all approved regulation courses that meet this standard.
All RCFE (Resenditial Facility for Elderly) renewals must complete 8 hours of Dementia Training that are approved by CCL.
Dementia Approved courses are listed below and are included in the 40-hour bundle for RCFE
Administrators of all Facility Types must complete 40 hours of approved CEU courses every two years.
The state has issued a waiver that all 40 hours of renewal may be taken as online courses.
The Waiver ends December 31, 2021.
To renew your State Issued Admin Certificate complete LIC 9124 Application for Administrator Certification
Include all your individual course certificates with the form along with your $100.00 fee. Be sure to count your hours to confirm they add up to 40.
As long as your postmark is on the date of expiration you are good. This means that if your certificate expires on June 1 you are good to mail your application at the Post Office on June 1.
If you are late there is a $200.00 penalty plus the $100.00 fee.
Specific questions regarding your renewal should be directed to the ACS Section. The representatives are responsive and the hold time is brief.
Contact for ACS Section:
[email protected]
DSP Training is associated with Regional Center and has nothing to do with obtaining or maintaining your Administrator Certificate..
To enroll in DSP training you will need a Facility Number. We do not provide facility numbers to individuals seeking to enroll in DSP Training. Contact your Regional Center regarding enrollment issues.
Regional Center is a placement agency that refers consumers who are developmentally disabled to Adult Residential Care Facilities. Most people who open an Adult Residential Care facility wish to work with developmentally disabled individuals who are referred from Regional Center.
Regional Centers are governed by the CA Dept of Developmental Services.
There are 21 Regional Centers in California. To find out which Regional Center provides services in the area where your property is check this link. Each Regional Center has its own guidelines and ways of doing things. You will need to contact your Regional Center to find out what the steps are to become a vendor.
Experience Requirement
The Regional Center categorizes facilities based on a system of levels from Level 2, 3, 4a - 4i. Levels refer to facilities, not clients. Facility rates vary with each level. To become vendored with RC you need to document your experience working as a DSP in an Adult Residential Facility that is vendored with Regional Center. Experience has a medical professional such as a psychologist, LVN, RN, or MD does not count. Many regional centers require pay stubs to verify experience and do not count work as a volunteer. The experience requirement is associated with the level you will be vendored for.
Level 2: 6 months
Level 3: 9 months
Level 4: 12 months.
All of the Regional Centers require the following:
1. Attend Regional Center Service Orientation
2. Submit a Letter of Intent
3. Submit a Program Design based on the principles of normalization (program design is not your license application)
Contact Your Regional Center
There is no single protocol or answer on how to become vendored with Regional Center. Each Regional Center is different in all the steps outlined above. You will need to contact the Resource Developer of the Regional Center you wish to work with to obtain specific guidelines.
The list below links you to most of the Regional Center websites that explain their vendorization process. Links often change or go dead. Let us know if you find a bad link.
Alta California Regional Center
Central Valley Regional Center
East Los Angeles County Regional Center
Far Northern Regional Center
Frank D. Lanterman Regional Center
Golden Gate Regional Center
Harbor Regional Center
Inland Regional Center
Kern Regional Center
North Bay Regional Center
North Los Angeles County Regional Center
San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center
Redwood Coast Regional Center
Regional Center of Orange County
Regional Center of the East Bay
San Andreas Regional Center
San Diego Regional Center
Tri-Counties Regional Center
Valley Mountain Regional Center
Westside Regional Center
The Initial Certification Course to become an administrator of an ARF covers the process of becoming a vendor as part of the Business Component of the course. The course itself has nothing to do with Regional Center. The purpose of the ICTP ARF course is to become a Certified Administrator not a Vendor with Regional Center.
If you took the ICTP ADMIN COURSE and submitted your Administrator Application and did not receive an invitation to take the exam:
Contact The Administrator Certification Section
(916) 653-9300
Smart Seminars does not send you your Conditional Administrator Certificate. The State of California sends it to you.
If you took the ICTP ARF course prior to August 1,2021 you must apply for a conditional Administrator Certificate.
All questions regarding the application process and Criminal Record Clearance should be directed to the Administrator Certification Section:
Smart Seminars does not provide ongoing support for the application process or criminal record clearance.
This applies to you if you took or are taking the Initial Certification Training Program for Administrators of ARF (ICTP-ARF) between:
MARCH 2020 through JULY 2021
After completing the ICTP ARF program prior to August 1, 2021 you must apply for a conditional admin certificate by completing the Application for Administrator Certification within 30 days of taking the ICTP ARF course.
If you are taking the ICTP course in July of 2021 that ends July 16, 2021 you must send in your application prior to August 16, 2021.
Include in the application the certificate issued to you by Smart Seminars.
Your conditional certificate is good for two years from the date of issue. You must complete 40 hours of CEU renewal prior to the two year expiration to be in good standing.
The Exam
After you receive your conditional certificate you will then receive an invitation from CCL DPSS by US Mail to take the exam. Here is the invitation for students who completed the ICTP course prior to June 30, 2021.
The exam is being offered online via webcam. It is an open book exam for 90 minutes.
You must pass the exam to maintain your certificate. You can take the exam three times . After you pass the exam your certificate will no longer be considered conditional (and I am guessing they will send you a new one).
Smart Seminars offer students over 200 practice questions and study guides to help you study and pass the exam. Practice questions are included in the For more information please review these links.
If you did not receive an invitation and you should have or have questions re the exam contact:
The Administrator Certification Section
(916) 653-9300
If your clearance status is active and clear, you do not need to submit prints again.
To find out if you are active and in the system contact the local CCL office and ask to check your clearance status. If clear, the office staff will give you your LIS personnel number and status. If you are clear and active, write a note with your application that you are clear along with your LIS Personnel number and clearance status.
You will still need to complete the Request for Live Scan Form LIC 9163 even if you are clear and current.
How to complete the Request for Live Scan Form LIC 9163 for new administrators who already have criminal record clearance with an existing facility.
Box 1: ORI – The CCLD ORI number is A0448, usually preprinted on the form.
Box 3: Applicant Type - Identify the type(s) of facility for which you are being
certified (e.g., ARF, GH, RCFE).
Box 4: Agency Section - Make no changes to preprinted info.
Box 5: Applicant Information – Add your personal information, etc.
Box 6: Facility Number - If you are currently working at a facility, or have been
hired by a facility, list the facility’s license number. You can locate the number of the facility by doing a search here.
Box 7: Employer - If you are currently working at a facility, or have been hired by
a facility, list the facility’s name and address.
You may also include a paper copy of your clearance if you have one.
Send in your completed Live Scan form LIC 9163 along with your Administrator Application.
Check the pending list to say the status of your application.
If you want more information re your application process contact the ACS section:
Community Care Licensing Division
Administrator Certification Section
744 P Street, MS 9 -17- 47
Sacramento, CA 95814
[email protected]
Once you submit your Administrator Certification application with the Administrator Certification Section (ACS) they process it according to their time line.
Smart Seminars has no information or control over when you will receive your certificate.
You can view the application pending processing dates that are posted on the ACS Website.
If you don't see your name on the pending list you may want to contact the Administrator Certification Section.
Community Care Licensing Division
Administrator Certification Section
744 P Street, MS 9-17-47
Sacramento, CA. 95814
[email protected]
Subscribe to the Community Care Licensing Senior and Adult Care email list.
Even if you have been printed and cleared through other state agencies, educational institutions, police
agencies or governmental entities, you will need to be printed for CCLD purposes. You
will have to be printed again because the CCLD is not entitled to non-CCLD clearance
information, as background clearance information is not transferable.
If your clearance status is active and clear, you do not need to submit prints again. To find out if you are active and in the system contact the local CCL office and ask to check your clearance status. If clear the office staff will give you your LIS personnel number and status. If you are clear and active write a note with your application that you are clear along with your LIS Personnel number and clearance status.
Note that if you previously worked for a facility over two years ago your clearance may have expired. Call. your local CCL office and check.
This applies to you if you took or are taking the Initial Certification Training Program for Administrators of ARF (ICTP-ARF) between:
MARCH 2020 through JULY 2021
After completing the ICTP ARF program prior to August 1, 2021 you must apply for a conditional admin certificate by completing the Application for Administrator Certification within 30 days of taking the ICTP ARF course.
If you are taking the ICTP course in July of 2021 that ends July 16, 2021 you must send in your application prior to August 16, 2021.
Include in the application the certificate issued to you by Smart Seminars.
Your conditional certificate is good for two years from the date of issue. You must complete 40 hours of CEU renewal prior to the two year expiration to be in good standing.
The Exam
After you receive your conditional certificate you will then receive an invitation by US Mail to take the exam. Here is the invitation for students who completed the ICTP course prior to June 30, 2021.
The exam is being offered online via webcam. It is an open book exam for 90 minutes.
You must pass the exam to maintain your certificate. You can take the exam three times . After you pass the exam your certificate will no longer be considered conditional (and I am guessing they will send you a new one).
Smart Seminars offers students over 200 practice questions and study guides to help you study and pass the exam. Practice questions are included in the Course Materials link.
For more information please review these links.
Invitation to Take Exam
More questions re the exam should be directed to the ACS section or the instructor teaching the ICTP ARF course.
By Email: [email protected]
By Phone: (916) 653-9300
How to open an Adult Residential Facility for clients ages 18-59 is covered for 2 hours as part of the business section of the ICTP ARF Course. We also offer consultation and preparation of the CCL License Application and Regional Center Program Design.
[email protected]