Fragile X The Story

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Hours: 2   Approvals: GH, STRTP

Course Summary 

Following each lesson, there is a quiz. You must achieve a score of 70% to move on to the next lesson. The use of quizzes satisfies the CCL regulation that online courses be interactive.

Course Description
Fragile X is a known genetic cause of autism. Individuals with Fragile X have learning problems, developmental delays, and high rates of epilepsy and sensory problems. This fascinating course provides a up-close look at exactly what Fragile X is along with how families cope with raising a child with Fragile X. On conclusion of the course, the student will have solid knowledge of how Fragile X impacts the social and emotional lives of families who are raising a child with Fragile X.
Course Objectives:
Understand the genetics and inheritance link in Fragile X.
Identify the physical features of Fragile X including facial features and loss of muscle tone.
Identify the emotional and behavioral aspects of Fragile X.
Gain knowledge of current research into drug treatments for Fragile X.