Hours: 4 Approvals: ARF, RCFE, LAWS REGS
Course Summary
Title 22 regulations from water temperature, TB tests, and personal rights are in place to protect the health and safety of clients. The last thing an administrator wants to contend with is an inspection by a Licensed Progam Analyst. By studying real-life inspections drawn from the CCL website, the administrator will learn just how facilities are evaluated and the consequences that follow. Each lesson details actual facility reports organized by the allegation, deficiency, along with the correction pan, and how to maintain compliance. By viewing deficiencies and complaints across both Adult Residential and Elderly facilities the administrator is in a better position to catch and remedy deficiencies quickly before an LPA does.
Course Objectives:
Understand how the LPA evaluates a facility.
Use facility reports identifying areas of concern in their own facility.
Ensure their own facility is ready for any unannounced or complaint inspection.
Develop a more hands-on working knowledge of how the regulations are enforced.
Students are encouraged to use the Self Assessment Guides below as course companions.
Assessment Guides
Students may want to use the Assessment Tools published by Community Care Licensing to evaluate their own facility.