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Capacity Determination 80028
The licensing agency, when determining the number of persons for whom the facility will be licensed, will take into consideration which of the following:
Capacity Determination 80028
A license shall be issued for a specific capacity and shall take into consideration the following:
(1) The fire clearance specified in Section 80020.
(2) The licensee's/administrator's ability to comply with applicable law and regulation.
(3) Any other household members, including but not limited to persons under guardianship or conservatorship, who reside at the facility and their individual needs.
(4) Facilities which accept minor parents and his/her child(ren) shall have such children included in the facility's licensed capacity.
(5) Physical features of the facility, including available living space, which are necessary in order to comply with regulations.
(6) Number of available staff to meet the care and supervision needs of the clients.
(7) Any restrictions pertaining to the specific category of facility. The licensing agency can issue a license for 1 fewer clients than is requested when the licensee’s responsibilities to other persons in the home, including persons under guardianship and conservatorship, would preclude provision of the care required by these regulations. When the license is issued for fewer clients than requested, the licensee will be notified of the reasons and right to appeal in writing.
Definition 80001
The maximum number of persons authorized to be provided care and supervision at any one time in any licensed facility is the _____________ of the facility.
Definition 80001
“Capacity” means the maximum number of persons authorized to be provided care and supervision at any one time in any licensed facility.
Issuance of License 80031
The licensing agency shall give written notice to the applicant that a completed application has been received within _______ days.
Issuance of License 80031
(a) Within 90 days of the date that a completed application, as defined in Section 80001c. (8), has been received, the licensing agency shall give written notice to the applicant of one of the following: (1) The application has been approved. (2) The application has been denied. The notice of denial shall include the information specified in Section 80040. (b) The licensing agency shall notify the applicant, in writing, of the issuance of the license. Issuance of the license itself shall constitute written notification of license approval. (c) No limitation shall be imposed on the licensee or printed on the license solely on the basis that a licensee is a parent who has administered or will continue to administer corporal punishment, not constituting child abuse as defined in Section 1 1 165, subdivision (g) of the Penal Code, or Section 1531.5(c) of the Health and Safety Code, on his/her own child(ren). (d) The licensing agency's completed review of an application for the two years immediately preceding this regulation has been approximately: (1) A minimum of 30 days. (2) A median of 90 days. (3) A maximum of 180 days.
Issuance of License 80031
The licensing agency shall notify the applicant of the issuance of the license ____________.
Issuance of License 80031
(a) Within 90 days of the date that a completed application, as defined in Section 80001c. (8),
has been received, the licensing agency shall give written notice to the applicant of one of the following:
(1) The application has been approved.
(2) The application has been denied. The notice of denial shall include the information specified in Section 80040.
(b) The licensing agency shall notify the applicant, in writing, of the issuance of the license. Issuance of the license itself shall constitute written notification of license approval.
(c) No limitation shall be imposed on the licensee or printed on the license solely on the basis that a licensee is a parent who has administered or will continue to administer corporal punishment, not constituting child abuse as defined in Section 1 1 165, subdivision (g) of the Penal Code, or Section 1531.5(c) of the Health and Safety Code, on his/her own child(ren).
(d) The licensing agency's completed review of an application for the two years immediately preceding this regulation has been approximately:
(1) A minimum of 30 days.
(2) A median of 90 days.
(3) A maximum of 180 days.
Personal Rights 80072
Bed rails that extend the entire length of the bed are _____________ .
Personal Rights 80072
Under no circumstances shall postural supports include tying of, or depriving or limiting the use of, a client’s hands or feet.
A bed rail that extends from the head half the length of the bed and used only for assistance with mobility shall be allowed.
A bed rail that extends from the head half the length of the bed and used only for assistance with mobility shall be allowed. Bed rails that extend the entire length of the bed are prohibited except for clients who are currently receiving hospice care and have a hospice care plan that specifies the need for full bed rails.
Disaster Mass Casualty Plan 80023
The disaster and mass casualty plan shall include, but is not limited to, contingency plans for the following disasters:
Disaster Mass Casualty Plan 80023
Licensee must maintain a current, written disaster and mass casualty plan of action, which is subject to review by the licensing agency and must include:
(1) Designation of administrative authority and staff assignments.
(2) Contingency plans for action during fires, floods, and earthquakes, including but not limited to the following:
-Means of exiting
-Transportation arrangements
-Relocation sites
-Arrangements for supervision of clients during evacuation or relocation
-Means of contacting local agencies
The licensee shall instruct all clients, staff, and members of the household in their duties and responsibilities under the plan.
Personal Rights 85072
A client in an ARF has the right to ____________ .
Personal Rights 85072
The licensee shall insure that each client is accorded these personal rights:
(1) To visit the facility with his/her relatives or authorized representative prior to admission
(2) To have the facility inform relatives and authorized representative of any activities related to care and supervision, including modifications to the needs and services plan
(3) To have communications to the facility from relatives and authorized representative answered promptly and completely
(4) To have visitors, including advocacy representatives, visit privately during waking hours, as long as this does not infringe upon the rights of other clients
(5) To wear his/her own clothes
(6) To possess and use his/her own personal items, including toiletries
(7) To possess and control his/her own cash resources
(8) Access to individual storage space for private use
(9) To have access to telephones to make and receive confidential calls, so long as it does not infringe upon the rights of other clients or restrict availability of the telephone during emergencies. The licensee can require reimbursement from the client or authorized representative for long distance calls. In the event that required reimbursement is not received, the licensee may prohibit long distance calls.
(10) To mail and receive unopened correspondences
(11) To receive assistance in exercising the right to vote
(12) To move from the facility in accordance with the Admission Agreement
New Application 80034
If a licensee fails to file a new application within the time limit required, a ____________ is required.
New Application 80034
A new application is required for a change in conditions or limitations described in current license such as:
-Sale or transfer of majority stock
-Separating from parent company
-Change in Facility Category
-Increase in Capacity
Licensing may grant capacity increases without new application.
Must have review and fire clearance.
Permanent change in any client from ambulatory to non ambulatory status.
A new application is required if the applicant fails to complete a new application within the time limit required.
Fire Clearance 80020
The applicant shall notify the agency if the facility plans to admit persons age 65 and over or nonambulatory persons so that an appropriate ___________ can be obtained prior to the acceptance of such clients.
Fire Clearance 80020
Request for fire clearance shall be made through and maintained by the licensing agency using form LIC 9054 Local Fire Inspection Authority.
The applicant shall notify the licensing agency if the facility plans to admit any of the following categories of clients so that an appropriate fire clearance can be obtained prior to the acceptance of such clients:
-Persons 65 years of age and over.
-Persons who are nonambulatory.
-Persons who use postural supports pursuant to Section 80072(a)(8) are nonambulatory.
Definitions and Operating Without A License 80001 & 80006
Operating without a license – An unlicensed community care facility ____________.
Operation Without a License 80006
An unlicensed facility is providing care and supervision as defined in section 80001u(2).
If the facility is alleged to be in violation of sections 1503.5 and/or 1508 of the Health and Safety Code, the licensing agency shall conduct a site visit and/or evaluation of the facility pursuant to Health and Safety Code 1538.
If the facility is operating without a license, the licensing agency shall issue a notice of operation in violation of law and shall refer the case for criminal prosecution and/or civil proceedings.
Definitions 80001u(2)
"Unlicensed Community Care Facility" means a facility as defined in Health and Safety Code section 1503.5.
(A) A facility which is "providing care and supervision" as defined in section 80001(c)(2) includes, but is not limited to, one in which an individual has been placed by a placement agency or family members for temporary or permanent care.
(B) A facility which is "held out as or represented as providing care or supervision" includes, but is not limited to:
-A facility whose license has been revoked or denied, but the individual continues to provide care for the same or different clients with similar needs.
-A facility where a change of ownership has occurred and the same clients are retained.
-A licensed facility that moves to a new location.
-A facility which advertises as providing care and/or supervision.
H&S 13131
Nonambulatory person means:
H&S 13131
"Nonambulatory persons" means persons unable to leave a building unassisted under emergency conditions. It includes any person who is unable, or likely to be unable, to physically and mentally respond to a sensory signal approved by the State Fire Marshal, or an oral instruction relating to fire danger, and persons who depend upon mechanical aids such as crutches, walkers, and wheelchairs. The determination of ambulatory or nonambulatory status of persons with developmental disabilities shall be made by the Director of Social Services or his or her designated representative, in consultation with the Director of Developmental Services or his or her designated representative. The determination of ambulatory or nonambulatory status of all other disabled persons placed after January 1, 1984, who are not developmentally disabled shall be made by the Director of Social Services, or his or her designated representative.
H&S 13131
The determination of nonambulatory status of a client is made by:
H&S 13131
The determination of ambulatory or nonambulatory status of persons with developmental disabilities shall be made by the Director of Social Services or his or her designated representative, in consultation with the Director of Developmental Services or his or her designated representative. The determination of ambulatory or nonambulatory status of all other disabled persons placed after January 1, 1984, who are not developmentally disabled shall be made by the Director of Social Services, or his or her designated representative.
Definitions 80001
A person professionally qualified by training or experience to provide expert information on a particular subject is called a(n):
Definitions 80001
(c)(17) “Consultant” means a person professionally qualified to provide expert information
Modifications to Needs and Services Plan 85068.3
Consultation shall be secured from a dietitian, physician, social worker, psychologist, or other consultant as necessary to assist in deter-mining if such needs can be met by the facility within the facility's program of services.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
Fillings and covers for mattresses and pillows shall be:
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
An individual bed, except that couples shall be allowed to share one double or larger sized bed, maintained in good repair, and equipped with good bed springs, a clean mattress and pillow(s).
Fillings and covers for mattresses and pillows shall be flame retardant.
No adult residential facility shall have more beds for client use than required for the maximum capacity approved by the licensing agency.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
What bedroom furniture should be available for each client and/or can be shared?
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
Bedroom furniture including, in addition to the above, for each client: a chair, a night stand, and a lamp or lights necessary for reading.
Two clients sharing a bedroom shall be permitted to share one night stand.
Portable or permanent closets and drawer space in each bedroom to accommodate the client's clothing and personal belongings.
A minimum of two drawers or eight cubic feet (.2264 cubic meters) of drawer space, whichever is greater, shall be provided for each client.
Eviction Procedures 85068.5
A written report of any eviction shall be sent to the licensing agency within ____ days of the eviction.
Eviction Procedures 85068.5
The licensee can evict a client by serving a 30- day written notice for any of the following reasons:
(1) Nonpayment within ten days of due date
(2) Failure of client to comply with law after receiving notice of violation
(3) Failure of client to comply with facility policies
(4) It is determined that the client’s needs cannot be met and the client has been given an opportunity to relocate as specified in Section 85068.3
(5) Change of use of the facility.
The licensee can evict with 3-day written notice if the following requirements are met:
(1) Licensing agency has granted prior written/ documented approval for the eviction
-Licensing agency shall reply to a request within two days; if not, non- response shall be considered approval.
(2) Client’s behavior is a threat to mental or physical health or safety or that of others.
Licensee must include in the notice the reasons for the eviction, including specific facts. Licensee must mail a copy of the notice to the client’s authorized representative if any.
A written report of any eviction must be sent to licensing agency within five days of the eviction.
Disaster and Mass Casualty Plan 80023
A written disaster and mass casualty plan of action must be ________________ .
Disaster and Mass Casualty Plan 80023
Licensee must maintain a current, written disaster and mass casualty plan of action, which is subject to review by the licensing agency and must include:
(1) Designation of administrative authority and staff assignments.
(2) Contingency plans for action during fires, floods, and earthquakes, including but not limited to the following:
-Means of exiting
-Transportation arrangements
-Relocation sites
-Arrangements for supervision of clients during evacuation or relocation
-Means of contacting local agencies
The licensee shall instruct all clients, staff, and members of the household in their duties and responsibilities under the plan.
Provisional License 80030
The licensing agency shall have the authority to issue a provisional license for a maximum of __________ when it is determined, at the time of application, that more than 6 months is required to achieve full compliance with licensing regulations due to circumstances beyond the control of the applicant.
Provisional License 80030
(a) The licensing agency shall have the authority to issue a provisional license to an applicant, pending action under Sections 8003 1 or 80040 on a completed application for an initial license, if it determines that all of the following circumstances exist:
(1) The facility is in substantial compliance with applicable law and regulation.
(2) An urgent need for licensure exists.
(3) A corporate applicant's board of directors, executive director and officer are eligible for licensure as specified in Health and Safety Code Section 1520.11(b).
(b) The capacity of a provisional license shall be limited to the number of clients for whom urgent need has been established, or the capacity established for the specific facility, whichever is less.
(c) The licensing agency shall have the authority to issue a provisional license for a maximum of six months when it determines that full compliance with licensing regulations will be achieved within that time period.
(d) The licensing agency shall have the authority to issue a provisional license for a maximum of 12 months when it determines, at the time of application, that more than six months is required to achieve full compliance with licensing regulations due to circumstances beyond the control of the applicant.
(e) If, during the provisional license period, the licensing agency discovers any serious deficiencies, the Department shall have the authority to institute administrative action or civil proceedings, or to refer the case for criminal prosecution.
(f) A provisional license shall not be renewable and shall terminate on the date specified on the license, or upon denial of the application, whichever is earlier.
Personal Rights 80072
A bed rail that extends half the length of the bed, and is used only for assistance with mobility, _________________.
Personal Rights 80072
A bed rail that extends from the head half the length of the bed and used only for assistance with mobility shall be allowed. Bed rails that extend the entire length of the bed are prohibited except for clients who are currently receiving hospice care and have a hospice care plan that specifies the need for full bed rails.
Conditions for Forfeiture of Community Care Facility License 80035
If the facility licensee dies, an adult relative who has control of the property shall be permitted to operate a previously licensed facility under a(n) ______________ approval.
Conditions for Forfeiture of Community Care Facility License 80035
If the facility licensee dies, an adult relative who has control of the property may operate a previously licensed facility under an Emergency Approval to Operate provided:
(1) The relative notifies the Department by telephone during the first working day after the licensee’s death.
(2) The relative files with the Department within five days of the licensee’s death an Application for License and evidence of the licensee’s death. Department shall permit the relative to submit only the info on the front side of this form.
(3) The relative files with the CA Department of Justice within five calendar days of the licensee’s death his/her fingerprint cards.
If the adult relative complies with the above, he/ she is not considered to be operating an unlicensed facility pending the Department’s approval of a provisional license.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 80088
Hot water temperature controls shall be maintained to automatically regulate temperature of hot water delivered to plumbing fixtures used by clients to attain a hot water temperature of no less than
___°F and not more than ___°F.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 80088
Faucets used by clients for personal care must provide hot water.
Hot water temperature controls must automatically regulate temperature to attain a temperature of no less than 105 degrees and not more than 120 degrees.
Taps delivering water at or above 125 degrees must be prominently identified by warning signs.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 80088
Fireplaces and open-faced heaters must be inaccessible to clients.Room temperatures shall be maintained between ___°F, and ___°F.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 80088
Must maintain comfortable temperature for clients, between 68 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. In areas of extreme heat, the maximum temperature is 30 degrees below the outside temperature.
This regulation does not prohibit clients from adjusting individual thermostatic controls.
Window screens must be in good repair, free of insects, dirt, and debris.
Fireplaces and open-faced heaters must be inaccessible to clients.
Definitions 80001
A __________ deficiency means a situation that presents an immediate or substantial threat to the physical health, mental health, or safety of the clients of a community care facility.
Definitions 80001
(d)(2) "Deficiency" means any failure to comply with any provision of the Community Care Facilities Act (Health and Safety Code, section 1500 et seq.) and/or regulations adopted by the Department pursuant to the Act.
(s)(1) “Serious deficiency” means any deficiency that presents an immediate or substantial threat to the physical or mental health or safety of the clients.
Fire Clearance 80020
The request for fire clearance shall be made through and maintained by:
Fire Clearance 80020
Request for fire clearance shall be made through and maintained by the licensing agency using form LIC 9054 Local Fire Inspection Authority. The applicant shall notify the licensing agency if the facility plans to admit any of the following categories of clients so that an appropriate fire clearance can be obtained prior to the acceptance of such clients:
-Persons 65 years of age and over.
-Persons who are non ambulatory.
-Persons who use postural supports pursuant to Section 80072(a)(8) are nonambulatory.
Waivers and Exceptions 80024
The licensing agency shall notify the applicant or licensee of the acceptance for consideration or the denial of acceptance for consideration of a waiver or exception request within ____________________.
Waivers and Exceptions 80024
Unless prior written licensing agency approval is received per below, all licenses shall maintain continuous compliance with the licensing regulations.
The licensing agency has the authority to approve alternate concepts, programs, services, procedures, techniques, equipment, space, personnel qualifications or staffing ratios, or the contact of experimental or demonstration projects under the following circumstances:
1. Such alternatives will provide safe and adequate services and will not be detrimental to the health and safety of any facility client.
2. The applicant or licensee shall submit to the licensing agency a written request for waiver or exception along with substantiating evidence.
Within 30 days of receipt of a request, the licensing agency shall provide one of the following in writing:
(1) The request has been received and accepted for consideration.
(2) The request is deficient, describing additional information and time frame required.
Failure of the applicant or licensee to comply with the time specified in (2) shall result in denial.
Laws & Regulations Questions 25, 106
Within 30 days of receipt of an acceptable request, the licensing agency shall notify the applicant of approval or denial in writing.
Application for License 85018
Which of the following is not mandated as a part of the application for license?
Application for License 85018
Each applicant must submit a financial plan of operation on forms approved or provided by the department.
Start-up funds shall be available which include funds for the first three months of operation.
The licensing agency has the authority to require written verification of the availability of the funds required.
Each applicant must submit the name, residence, and mailing addresses of the facility administrator, a description of his/her background and qualifications, and documents verifying education and administrator certification.
Follow-Up Visits to Determine Compliance 80053
A follow-up visit to determine compliance with a plan of correction shall be conducted within _____________
of the dates of corrections specified in the notice of deficiency.
Follow-Up Visits to Determine Compliance 80053
A follow-up visit will be conducted to determine compliance with the plan of correction specified in the notice of deficiency.
At a minimum, the follow-up visit will occur within ten working days following the dates of corrections specified in the notice, unless the licensee has already demonstrated correction.
No penalty will be assessed if the follow-up visit does not occur.
If a follow-up visit indicates non-correction of the deficiency, the evaluator will issue notice of penalty, which will be in writing and include:
(1) The amount of penalty and date due
(2) The name and address of the agency responsible for collection
Denial of Initial License 80040
If the application for an initial license is denied, the application process fee shall _______________.
Denial of Initial License 80040
An application for licensure shall be denied as specified in health and Safety Code Sections 1.520.1 1(b), (d) and 1550.
If the application for initial license is denied, the licensing agency must mail the applicant a written notice of denial, which informs the applicant of reasons for denial and right to appeal. The application processing fee shall be forfeited.
An applicant shall have the right to appeal the denial pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 1526.
Notwithstanding appeal action, the facility is unlicensed and shall not operate pending adoption by the director of a decision on the denial.
Administrative Review 80055
A denial or revocation of license may occur under the following:
Administrative Review 80055
The Department has the authority to deny or revoke and license for failure to pay civil penalties.
The Department has the authority to approve payment arrangements, including the form of payment.
The licensee’s failure to pay penalties pursuant to a payment plan approved by the Department may result in denial or revocation of any license or any other appropriate action.
Any denial or revocation of license for failure to pay penalties may be appealed as provided by Health and Safety Code Section 1551.
Licensing Fees 80036
True or False:
The fee for a capacity of 1-6 for renewal or original license is $100.
Licensing Fees 80036
An applicant or licensee will be charged the fees specified by Health and Safety Code Section 1523.1.
An additional fee will be charged when the licensee requests an increase or decrease in capacity as specified in 1523.1(b)(1)(C).
When a licensee moves a facility, the relocation shall be as specified in 1523.1 (b)(1)(A).
To qualify for the relocation fee:
-The licensee has notified the licensing agency before relocating
-The categorical type of facility shall remain the same
-The fee shall be by requested capacity at the new location
-The fees shall be nonrefundable
See handout “Licensing Fees”
Definitions 80001
True or False:
An adult is a person who is 21 years of age or older.
Definitions 80001
(a)(3) “Adult” means a person who is 18 years of age or older.
Capacity Determination 80028
True or False:
The licensing agency shall not be permitted to decrease an existing license capacity.
Capacity Determination 80028
The licensing agency can issue a license for 1 fewer clients than is requested when the licensee’s responsibilities to other persons in the home, including persons under guardianship and conservatorship, would preclude provision of the care required by these regulations.
When the license is issued for fewer clients than requested, the licensee will be notified of the reasons and right to appeal in writing.
The licensing agency can decrease existing licensed capacity when there is a change in any of the above factors.
If the licensee does not agree to the decrease, the licensing agency can initiate revocation.
Posting of License 85009
True or False:
All facilities must post a license in a conspicuous place.
Posting of License 85009
In facilities with a licensed capacity of seven or more, the license shall be posted in a prominent, publicly accessible location in the facility.
In facilities with a licensed capacity of six or fewer the license shall be retained in the facility and be available for review upon request.
Disaster and Mass Casualty Plan 80023
True or False:
Disaster drills shall be conducted at least every 3 months and maintained for one year.
Disaster and Mass Casualty Plan 80023
Licensee must maintain a current, written disaster and mass casualty plan of action, which is subject to review by the licensing agency and must include:
(1) Designation of administrative authority and staff assignments.
(2) Contingency plans for action during fires, floods, and earthquakes.
The licensee shall instruct all clients, staff, and members of the household in their duties and responsibilities under the plan.
Disaster drills shall be conducted at least every six months. Completion of such drills shall not require travel away from the facility grounds or contact with local disaster agencies.
The drills shall be documented and the documentation maintained in the facility for at least one year.
Bonding 80025
True or False:
The amount of the bond to safeguard $751 to $1500 per month is $2000.
Bonding 80025
The licensee shall submit an affidavit, on a form provided by the licensing agency, stating whether he/she will safeguard cash resources of clients and the maximum amount of cash resources to be safeguarded for all clients or each client in any month.
All licensees, other than governmental entities, who are entrusted to care for and control clients' cash resources shall have on file with the licensing agency, a bond issued by a surety company to the State of California as principal.
(c) The amount of the bond shall be according to the following schedule:
Amount Safeguarded Per Month Bond Required
$750 or less $1,000
$751 to $1,500 $2,000
$1,501 to $2,500 $3,000
Every further increment of $1,000 or fraction thereof shall require an additional $1,000 on the bond.
Application for License 80018
True or False:
The application shall be filed with the licensing agency which services the geographical area in which the facility is located.
Application for License 80018
(23) The application shall be signed by the applicant. If a partnership, by each partner. If a firm, association, corporation, county, city, public agency, or other governmental entity, by the chief executive officer or authorized representative.
(24) The application shall be filed with the licensing agency which serves the geographical area in which the facility is located.
Safeguards for Cash Resources, Personal Property, and Valuables 80026
True or False:
Licensees can provide advances or loans to clients from facility funds as long as documentation of the transaction is maintained at the facility.
Safeguards for Cash Resources, Personal Property, and Valuables 80026
Cash resources, personal property, and valuables of clients handled by the licensee shall be free from any liability the licensee incurs.
Cash resources, personal property, and valuables of clients shall be separate and intact, not commingled with facility funds or petty cash. This does not prohibit the licensee from providing loans or advances to clients from facility funds, documentations of which must be maintained in the facility.
The licensee or employee thereof shall not spend clients’ cash for any basic services specified in these regulations or any basic services identified in a contract/admission agreement with the client. This does not apply to a representative payee appointed by the Social Security Administration.
Disaster and Mass Casualty Plan 80023
Disaster and mass casualty plans shall include:
Disaster and Mass Casualty Plan 80023
Licensee must maintain a current, written disaster and mass casualty plan of action, which is subject to review by the licensing agency and must include:
(1) Designation of administrative authority and staff assignments.
(2) Contingency plans for action during fires, floods, and earthquakes, including but not limited to the following:
-Means of exiting
-Transportation arrangements
-Relocation sites
-Arrangements for supervision of clients during evacuation or relocation
-Means of contacting local agencies
The licensee shall instruct all clients, staff, and members of the household in their duties and responsibilities under the plan.
Definitions 80001
Substantial compliance means:
Definitions 80001
(s)(7) “Substantial Compliance” means the absence of any serious deficiencies.
Definitions 80001
A facility of any capacity which provides 24 hour per day non-medical care and supervision to adults (except elderly persons) is called:
Definitions 80001
(a)(5) “Adult Residential Facility” means any facility of any capacity which provides 24-hour a day non-medical care and supervision to adults except elderly persons.
Capacity Determination 80028
If care and supervision is restricted to specific individuals, the licensing agency shall specify the names of the individuals in ____________________.
Capacity Determination 80028
The licensing agency can restrict care to specific individuals; it must specify the names of the individuals to whom care and supervision is limited in a letter to the licensee.
Except when the limitation is requested by the licensee, the licensee will be notified in writing of the reasons for and right to appeal such limitation.
Plan of Operation 80022
The sketch of the grounds showing areas used by clients shall include _________________.
Plan of Operation 80022
Each licensee shall have and maintain on file a current, written, definitive plan of operation containing:
(7) A sketch of the building(s) to be occupied, including a floor plan which describes the capacities of the buildings for the uses intended, room dimensions, and a designation of the rooms to be used for nonambulatory clients, if any.
(8) A sketch of the grounds showing buildings, driveways, fences, storage areas, pools, gardens, recreation areas and other space used by the clients. The sketch shall include the dimensions of all areas which will be used by the clients.
Fire Clearance 80020
True or False:
The request for fire clearance shall be made by, through, and maintained by the administrator.
Fire Clearance 80020
Request for fire clearance shall be made through and maintained by the licensing agency using form LIC 9054 Local Fire Inspection Authority.
The applicant shall notify the licensing agency if the facility plans to admit any of the following categories of clients so that an appropriate fire clearance can be obtained prior to the acceptance of such clients:
-Persons 65 years of age and over.
-Persons who are non ambulatory.
-Persons who use postural supports pursuant to Section 80072(a)(8) are nonambulatory.
Definitions 80001
True or False:
A waiver is a nontransferable written authorization issued by the licensing agency.
Definitions 80001
(w)(1) “Waiver” means a nontransferable written authorization issued by the licensing agency to use alternative means to meet the intent of a specific regulation which are based on a facility-wide need or circumstance.
Buildings and Grounds 85087
True or False:
Client bedrooms can be used as a general passageway to another room, bath, or toilet.
Buildings and Grounds 85087
Bedrooms must be large enough to allow for easy passage and comfortable use of any required client-assistive devices, including but not limited to wheelchairs, walkers, or oxygen equipment, between beds and other items of furniture specified in Section 85088(c).
No room commonly used for other purposes shall be used as a bedroom for any person.
No client bedroom shall be used as a public or general passageway to another room, bath or toilet.
Stairways, inclines, ramps, open porches, and areas of potential hazard to clients whose balance or eyesight is poor shall not be used by clients unless such areas are well lighted and equipped with sturdy hand railings.
Definitions 80001
True or False:
For the purposes of a Community Care Facility an adult is considered a person who is 21 years of age or older.
Definitions 80001
(a)(3) “Adult” means a person who is 18 years of age or older.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
True or False:
Bathrooms and toilets shall be located near client bedrooms.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
At least one toilet and washbasin for each six persons residing in the facility, including clients, family and personnel.
At least one bathtub or shower for each ten persons.
Toilets and bathrooms must be near client bedrooms.
Individual privacy shall be provided in all toilet, bath and shower areas.
Personal Rights 80072
True or False:
Bed rails that extend the entire length of bed are prohibited.
Personal Rights 80072
A bed rail that extends from the head half the length of the bed and used only for assistance with mobility shall be allowed. Bed rails that extend the entire length of the bed are prohibited except for clients who are currently receiving hospice care and have a hospice care plan that specifies the need for full bed rails.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
Which of the following is required:
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
At least one toilet and washbasin for each six persons residing in the facility, including clients, family and personnel.
At least one bathtub or shower for each ten persons.
Toilets and bathrooms must be near client bedrooms.
Individual privacy shall be provided in all toilet, bath and shower areas.
Definitions 80001
Exception means a written authorization issued by the licensing agency to use alternative means which meet the intent of a specific regulation(s) and which are based on the unique needs of:
Definitions 80001
(e)(6) “Exception” means a written authorization issued by the licensing agency to use alternative means to meet the intent of a specific regulation and which are based on the unique needs or circumstances of a specific client or staff person. Exceptions are granted for particular clients or staff persons and are not transferable or applicable to other client), staff persons, facilities or licensees.
Issuance of License 80031
Within _______ of the date that a completed application is received, the licensing agency shall give written notice to the applicant regarding the approval or denial of the application.
Issuance of License 80031
(a) Within 90 days of the date that a completed application, as defined in Section 80001c. (8), has been received, the licensing agency shall give written notice to the applicant of one of the following:
(1) The application has been approved.
(2) The application has been denied. The notice of denial shall include the information specified in Section 80040.
(b) The licensing agency shall notify the applicant, in writing, of the issuance of the license. Issuance of the license itself shall constitute written notification of
license approval.
Evaluation Visits 80045
The licensing agency shall have the authority to make ___________ visits to a facility in order to determine compliance with applicable law and regulation.
Evaluation Visits 80045
Community care facilities will be evaluated according to Health and Safety Code sections 1534 and 1548.
The Licensing agency may make any number of visits to a facility to determine compliance with law and regulations.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
In regard to bedroom furniture for an adult residential facility:
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
Individual privacy shall be provided in all toilet, bath and shower areas.
An individual bed, except that couples shall be allowed to share one double or larger sized bed, maintained in good repair, and equipped with good bed springs, a clean mattress and pillow(s).
Fillings and covers for mattresses and pillows shall be flame retardant.
No adult residential facility shall have more beds for client use than required for the maximum capacity approved by the licensing agency.
Provisional License 80030
The licensing agency shall have the authority to issue a provisional license for a maximum of ______________.
Provisional License 80030
The capacity of a provisional license shall be limited to the number of clients for whom urgent need has been established, or the capacity established for the specific facility, whichever is less.
(c) The licensing agency shall have the authority to issue a provisional license for a maximum of six months when it determines that full compliance with licensing regulations will be achieved within that time period.
(d) The licensing agency shall have the authority to issue a provisional license for a maximum of 12 months when it determines, at the time of application, that more than six months is required to achieve full compliance with licensing regulations due to circumstances beyond the control of the applicant.
(e) If, during the provisional license period, the licensing agency discovers any serious deficiencies, the Department shall have the authority to institute administrative action or civil proceedings, or to refer the case for criminal prosecution.
Buildings and Grounds 85087
Which of the following is not required for laundry area:
Buildings and Grounds 85087
Facilities shall meet the following requirements in laundry areas:
-Space and equipment for washing, ironing, and mending of personal clothing
-Space used for soiled linen and clothing shall be separated from the clean linen and clothing storage and handling area
In facilities with a licensed capacity of 16 or more clients, space used to do the laundry shall not be part of an area used for storage of any item other than items necessary for laundry activities.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
Fillings and covers for mattresses and pillows shall be:
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
An individual bed, except that couples shall be allowed to share one double or larger sized bed, maintained in good repair, and equipped with good bed springs, a clean mattress and pillow(s).
Fillings and covers for mattresses and pillows shall be flame retardant.
No adult residential facility shall have more beds for client use than required for the maximum capacity approved by the licensing agency.
-This requirement does not apply to beds made available for illness or separation of others in the isolation room or area as required by Section 80075.
Bonding 80025
The amount of the bond to safeguard $751-$1500 per month is:
Bonding 80025
The licensee shall submit an affidavit, on a form provided by the licensing agency, stating whether he/she will safeguard cash resources of clients and the maximum amount of cash resources to be safeguarded for all clients or each client in any month.
All licensees, other than governmental entities, who are entrusted to care for and control clients' cash resources shall have on file with the licensing agency a bond issued by a surety company to the State of California as principal.
(c) The amount of the bond shall be according to the following schedule:
Amount Safeguarded Per Month Bond Required
$750 or less $1,000
$751 to $1,500 $2,000
$1,501 to $2,500 $3,000
Every further increment of $1,000 or fraction thereof shall require an additional $1,000 on the bond.
Personal Rights 80072
Which of the following is not correct regarding personal rights of clients:
Personal Rights 80072
Except for children’s residential facilities, each client has the following personal rights:
(1) Dignity in personal relationships with staff/others
(2) Safe, healthful, comfortable accommodations, furnishings, and equipment to meet his/her needs
(3) Be free from corporal or unusual punishment, infliction of pain, humiliation, ridicule, coercion, threat, mental abuse, or other actions of a punitive nature, including: interference with daily living functions, including eating, sleeping, or toileting; or withholding of shelter, clothing, medication, or aids to physical functioning.
(4) To be informed (or have representative informed) by the licensee of the provisions of law regarding complaints, including the address and phone number of the complaint receiving unit of the licensing agency, and of information regarding confidentiality.
(5) To be free to attend religious services and receive visits from a spiritual advisor of his/her choice. Attendance at religious services in or outside the facility shall be completely voluntary.
(6) To leave or depart the facility at any time. The licensee may set curfews or other house rules for the protection of clients. This right does not apply to minors or other clients who have a guardian.
Definitions 80001
True or False:
Elderly person means any person who is 65 years of age or older.
Definitions 80001
(e)(2) “Elderly Person” means, for purposes of admission into a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly, a person who is sixty (60) or older.
Criminal Record Clearance 80019
True or False:
The department shall conduct a criminal record review of all individuals and shall have the authority to approve or deny a facility license, or employment, residence, or presence in the facility, based upon the results of such review.
Criminal Record Clearance 80019
The Department shall conduct a criminal record review of all individuals specified in Health and Safety Code Section 1522(b) and shall have the authority to approve or deny a facility license, or employment, residence, or presence in the facility, based upon the results of such review.
Fire Clearance 80020
True or False:
The request for fire clearance shall be made through and maintained by the administrator.
Fire Clearance 80020
Request for fire clearance shall be made through and maintained by the licensing agency using form LIC 9054 Local Fire Inspection Authority.
The applicant shall notify the licensing agency if the facility plans to admit any of the following categories of clients so that an appropriate fire clearance can be obtained prior to the acceptance of such clients:
-Persons 65 years of age and over.
-Persons who are non ambulatory.
-Persons who use postural supports pursuant to Section 80072(a)(8) are nonambulatory.
What happened to quiz question 62 in the workbook?
It's a mystery!
Penalties 80054
True or False:
A penalty of $75.00 per day shall be assessed for serious deficiencies per cited violation.
Penalties 80054
A penalty of $50 per day, per cited violation shall be assessed for serious deficiencies not corrected by the date specified in the notice, up to $150/day.
An immediate penalty of $100 per cited violation per day for up to 5 days will be assessed if anyone required to be fingerprinted under Health and Safety Code 1522(b) has not obtained a California clearance or a criminal record exemption, requested a transfer of a criminal record clearance or requested and be approved for a transfer of an exemption prior to working, residing, or volunteering in the facility as specified in 80019.
Subsequent violations within a 12-month period will result in a civil penalty of $100 per violation per day for up to 30 days.
The Department may assess civil penalties for continued violations as permitted by Health and Safety Code 1548.
Evaluation Visits 80045
True or False:
The licensing agency shall have the authority to make any number of visits to a facility in order to determine compliance with applicable law and regulations.
Evaluation Visits 80045
Community care facilities will be evaluated according to Health and Safety Code sections 1534 and 1548.
The Licensing agency may make any number of visits to a facility to determine compliance with law and regulations.
Definitions 80001
A non-transferable written authorization issued by the licensing agency to use alternative means which meet the intent of a specific regulation and which are based on a facility-wide need or circumstance is called a(n) _____________.
Definitions 80001
(u)(3) "Urgent Need" means a situation where prohibiting the operation of the facility would be detrimental to a client's physical health, mental health, safety, or welfare.
(w)(1) “Waiver” means a nontransferable written authorization issued by the licensing agency to use alternative means to meet the intent of a specific regulation which are based on a facility- wide need or circumstance.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 80088
Hot water temperature controls shall be maintained to automatically regulate temperature of hot water delivered to plumbing fixtures used by clients to attain a hot water temperature of not less than
___°F, and no more than ___°F.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 80088
Faucets used by clients for personal care must provide hot water.
Hot water temperature controls must automatically regulate temperature to attain a temperature of no less than 105 degrees and not more than 120 degrees.
Taps delivering water at or above 125 degrees must be prominently identified by warning signs.
All toilets, handwashing, and bathing facilities must be safe and sanitary.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 80088
The licensee shall maintain the temperature in rooms that clients occupy between a minimum of ___°F and maximum of ___°F.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 80088
Must maintain comfortable temperature for clients, between 68 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. In areas of extreme heat, the maximum temperature is 30 degrees below the outside temperature.
This regulation does not prohibit clients from adjusting individual thermostatic controls.
Window screens must be in good repair, free of insects, dirt, and debris.
Fireplaces and open-faced heaters must be inaccessible to clients.
Buildings and Grounds 85087
No more than ___ client(s) shall sleep in a bedroom.
Buildings and Grounds 85087
Not more than two clients shall sleep in a bedroom.
Bedrooms must be large enough to allow for easy passage and comfortable use of any required client-assistive devices, including but not limited to wheelchairs, walkers, or oxygen equipment, between beds and other items of furniture specified in Section 85088(c).
No room commonly used for other purposes shall be used as a bedroom for any person.
No client bedroom shall be used as a public or general passageway to another room, bath or toilet.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
At least one toilet and washbasin shall be maintained for each ___ persons residing in the facility, and at least one bathtub or shower shall be maintained for each ___ persons.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
At least one toilet and washbasin for each six persons residing in the facility, including clients, family and personnel.
At least one bathtub or shower for each ten persons.
Toilets and bathrooms must be near client bedrooms.
Individual privacy shall be provided in all toilet, bath and shower areas.
Advertisements and License Number 80011
What must be included in every advertisement for the facility?
Advertisements and License Number 80011
Licensees must reveal each facility license number in all advertisements in accordance with Health and Safety Code section 1514. Nonresidential facilities are exempt from this requirement.
Correspondences are considered advertisements if the intent is to attract clients.
Licensees who operate more than one facility and use a common advertisement for these facilities must list each facility license number in accordance with Health and Safety Code section 1514.
Limitations on Capacity and Ambulatory Status 80010
A room approved for ambulatory clients may be used by:
Limitations on Capacity and Ambulatory Status 80010
A licensee shall not operate a facility beyond the conditions and limitations specified on the license, including the capacity limitation.
Facilities or rooms approved for ambulatory clients only shall not be used by nonambulatory clients, including clients whose condition becomes nonambulatory.
The licensing agency has the authority to require clients who use ambulatory sections of the facility to demonstrate that they are ambulatory.
Application for License 80018
What is included in the facility license application?
Application for License 80018
The application and supporting documents shall contain the following:
(1) Name, residence, mailing address
(2) If partnership, the name and principal business address of each partner
(3) If corporation or association, name, title, and principal business address of each officer, executive director, and member of the governing board
(4) If a corporation that issues stock, the name and address of each person owning more than 1% of stock
(5) If a corporation or association, a copy of the articles of incorporation, constitution, and by-laws
(6) If corporation, each member of the board of directors, executive director, and any office shall list the name of facilities which they have been licensed to operate, employed by, or a member of the board of directors, executive director, or an officer
(7) Name and address of owner of facility, if applicant is leasing or renting
(8) Procedures as required pursuant to Section 1524.5 of the Health and Safety Code
(9) The category of facility to be operated
(10) Maximum number of persons to be served
(11) Age range, sex and the categories of persons to be served, including persons with developmental disabilities, mental disorders, physically handicapped and/or nonambulatory persons
(12) Hours or periods of facility operation
(13) Name of administrator, if applicable
(14) Information required by Health and Safety Code Sections 1520(d) and 1520(e)
(15) Name, address, and telephone number of the city or county fire department, the district providing fire protection, or the State Fire Marshal’s Office having jurisdiction in the area of the facility.
Water Supply Clearance 80021
All community care facilities where water for human consumption is from a private source shall:
Water Supply Clearance 80021
All community care facilities where water for human consumption is from a private source shall meet the following requirements:
(1) For initial licensure, the applicant must provide evidence of an onsite inspection of the source of the water and a bacteriological analysis which establishes the safety of the water, conducted by the local health department, the State Department of Health Services or a licensed commercial laboratory.
(2) Subsequent to initial licensure, the licensee will provide evidence of a bacteriological analysis of the private water supply as frequently as is necessary to ensure the safety of the clients, but no less frequently than specified in the following table:
Capacity Required Analysis
6 or fewer Initial licensing, periodic not required unless evidence
supports the need for such analysis to protect clients.
7 through 15 Initial licensing; Annually
16 through 24 Initial licensing; Semiannually
25 or more Initial licensing; Quarterly
Water Supply Clearance 80021
Evidence of an on-site bacteriological analysis of the water (when from a private source) shall be conducted in a six-bed facility:
Water Supply Clearance 80021
All community care facilities where water for human consumption is from a private source shall meet the following requirements:
(1) For initial licensure, the applicant must provide evidence of an on-site inspection of the source of the water and a bacteriological analysis which establishes the safety of the water, conducted by the local health department, the State Department of Health Services or a licensed commercial laboratory.
(2) Subsequent to initial licensure, the licensee will provide evidence of a bacteriological analysis of the private water supply as frequently as is necessary to ensure the safety of the clients, but no less frequently than specified in the following table:
Capacity Required Analysis
6 or fewer Initial licensing, periodic not required unless evidence supports the need for such analysis to protect clients.
7 through 15 Initial licensing; Annually
16 through 24 Initial licensing; Semiannually
25 or more Initial licensing; Quarterly
New Application 80034
What is required when a facility changes location or transfers the majority of the stock, or possibly when increasing capacity?
New Application 80034
A new application is required for a change in conditions or limitations described in current license such as:
-Sale or transfer of majority stock
-Separating from parent company
-Change in Facility Category
-Increase in Capacity
Licensing may grant capacity increases without new application. Must have review and fire clearance.
Permanent change in any client from ambulatory to non ambulatory status.
A new application is required if the applicant fails to complete a new application within the time limit required.
Inspection Authority of the Licensing Agency 80044
Within __________ of the issuance of a license, the department shall conduct an inspection.
Inspection Authority of the Licensing Agency 80044
The licensing agency has the inspection authority specified in the Health and Safety Code 1526.5, 1533, 1534, and 1538
The licensing agency has the authority to interview clients, including children, or staff members without prior consent. The agency will ensure the interviews are private.
The licensing agency has the authority to inspect, audit, and copy client or facility records upon demand during normal business hours, and records may be removed if necessary. Removal of records is subject to Sections 80066 and 80070.
The licensee will ensure that provisions are made for the examination of all records relating to the operation of the facility.
The licensing agency has the authority to observe the physical condition of the client, including conditions that may indicate abuse, neglect, or inappropriate placement, and to have a licensed medical professional examine the client.
Application for License 85018
The department requires start up funds equal to ____ months' operating expenses.
Application for License 85018
Each applicant must submit a financial plan of operation on forms approved or provided by the department.
Start-up funds shall be available which include funds for the first three months of operation.
The licensing agency has the authority to require written verification of the availability of the funds required.
Each applicant must submit the name, residence, and mailing addresses of the facility administrator, a description of his/her background and qualifications, and documents verifying education and administrator certification.
Definitions 80001
An emergency approval to operate is for not more than __________.
Definitions 80001
(e)(3) “Emergency Approval to Operate” means a temporary approval to operate a facility for no more than 60 days pending the Department’s decision to approve or deny.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
What should be maintained in hallways and passages to non-private bathrooms?
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 85088
Emergency lighting, which shall include at a minimum working flashlights or other battery-powered lighting, shall be readily available in areas accessible to clients and staff. No open flame.
Night lights shall be maintained in hallways and passages to non-private bathrooms.
In all facilities with a licensed capacity of 16 or more clients, and all facilities having separate floors or separate buildings without full-time staff there shall be a signal system
Disaster and Mass Casualty Plan 80023
Documentation of disaster drills shall be documented and maintained in the facility for how long?
Disaster and Mass Casualty Plan 80023
The licensee shall instruct all clients, staff, and members of the household in their duties and responsibilities under the plan.
Disaster drills shall be conducted at least every six months. Completion of such drills shall not require travel away from the facility grounds or contact with local disaster agencies.
The drills shall be documented and the documentation maintained in the facility for at least one year.
Definitions 80001
A conservator is __________________.
Definitions 80001
(c)(16) “Conservator” means a person appointed by the Superior Court to care for the person, estate, or person and estate of another
Reporting Requirements 80061
In addition to licensing, a report shall be submitted to a __________________ if an epidemic outbreak occurs.
Reporting Requirements 80061
Each licensee or applicant must provide to the agency reports as required by the Department, including those specified below.
(5) Any unusual incident or client absence that threatens the emotional health or safety of any client
(6) Any suspected physical or psychological abuse of a client
(7) Epidemic outbreaks
(8) Poisonings (must also be reported to local fire authority or State Fire Marshal within 24 hours)
(9) Catastrophes, including fires or explosions
Any event (1)-(8) must also be reported to the client’s authorized representative.
Any event (5)-(7) must also be reported to the local health officer when appropriate pursuant to title 17, California Administrative Code, sections 2500, 2502, and 2503.
Information provided:
(1) Client’s name, age, sex, date of admission
(2) Date and nature of event
(3) Attending physician’s name, findings, and treatment
(4) Disposition of the case
Administrative Review 80055
A licensee may request a review of a notice of deficiency within how many days?
Administrative Review 80055
A licensee or representative may request a review of a notice of deficiency and/or notice of penalty within 10 working days of receipt of such notice.
If the deficiency has not been corrected, civil penalties will accrue during the review process.
The review will be conducted by a higher level staff person than the evaluator who issued the notice.
If the reviewer determines that the notice of deficiency or penalty was not issued or assessed in accordance with applicable statutes and regulations of the Department, or that other circumstances existed, he/she may amend or dismiss the notice.
Reporting Requirements 80061
How long do you have to submit a written report of any suspected physical abuse to licensing?
Reporting Requirements 80061
If during the operation of the facility any of the events specified below occur, a report shall be made to the licensing agency within the agency’s next working day during its normal business hours. In addition, a written report containing the information specified below must be submitted to the licensing agency within seven days following the occurrence.
Events Reported:
(1) Death of a client
(2) In a residential facility, death of a client as a result of injury, abuse, or other non-natural causes, regardless of where it occurred. This includes a death outside the facility.
(3) In an adult CCF, the use of an Automated External Defibrillator
(4) Any injury to a client that requires medical treatment
(5) Any unusual incident or client absence that threatens the emotional health or safety of any client
(6) Any suspected physical or psychological abuse of a client
Buildings and Grounds 85087
How many clients may sleep in a room?
Buildings and Grounds 85087
Not more than two clients shall sleep in a bedroom.
Bedrooms must be large enough to allow for easy passage and comfortable use of any required client-assistive devices, including but not limited to wheelchairs, walkers, or oxygen equipment, between beds and other items of furniture specified in Section 85088(c).
No room commonly used for other purposes shall be used as a bedroom for any person.
Inspection Authority of the Licensing Agency 80044
Upon receipt of a complaint, licensing shall make an on site inspection within how many days?
Inspection Authority of the Licensing Agency 80044
The licensing agency has the inspection authority specified in the Health and Safety Code 1526.5, 1533, 1534, and 1538.
The licensing agency has the authority to interview clients, including children, or staff members without prior consent. The agency will ensure the interviews are private.
The licensing agency has the authority to inspect, audit, and copy client or facility records upon demand during normal business hours, and records may be removed if necessary. Removal of records is subject to Sections 80066 and 80070.
The licensee will ensure that provisions are made for the examination of all records relating to the operation of the facility.
The licensing agency has the authority to observe the physical condition of the client, including conditions that may indicate abuse, neglect, or inappropriate placement, and to have a licensed medical professional examine the client.
Buildings and Grounds 85087
What size facility must have a reception area and restroom facility designed for use by visitors?
Buildings and Grounds 85087
Facilities with a licensed capacity of 16 or more clients shall meet the following requirements:
-There shall be space available in the facility to serve as an office for
business, administration and admission activities.
-There shall be a private office in which the administrator may conduct private interviews.
-There shall be a reception area and a restroom facility designated for use by visitors.
Dining rooms or similar areas for food service shall be provided as specified in Section 85076.
Definitions 80001
The maximum number of persons authorized to be provided care is called what?
Definitions 80001
(c)(2) “Capacity” means the maximum number of persons authorized to be provided care and supervision at any one time in any licensed facility.
Personal Rights 80072
What kind of bed rails are allowed?
Personal Rights 80072
A bed rail that extends from the head half the length of the bed and used only for assistance with mobility shall be allowed. Bed rails that extend the entire length of the bed are prohibited except for clients who are currently receiving hospice care and have a hospice care plan that specifies the need for full bed rails.
Bonding 80025
A bond is not necessary if the licensee safeguards how much money per month per client?
Bonding 80025
The licensee shall submit an affidavit, on a form provided by the licensing agency, stating whether he/she will safeguard cash resources of clients and the maximum amount of cash resources to be safeguarded for all clients or each client in any month.
All licensees, other than governmental entities, who are entrusted to care for and control clients' cash resources shall have on file with the licensing agency, a bond issued by a surety company to the State of California as principal.
(c) The amount of the bond shall be according to the following schedule:
Amount Safeguarded Per Month Bond Required
$750 or less $1,000
$751 to $1,500 $2,000
$1,501 to $2,500 $3,000
Every further increment of $1,000 or fraction thereof shall require an additional $1,000 on the bond.
The licensee must submit a new affidavit and bond to the licensing agency prior to the licensee safeguarding additional amounts of clients’ cash resources.
When the agency determines that the amount of the bond is insufficient or the amount of any bond is impaired by any recover against the bond, the agency has the authority to require the licensee to file an additional bond in an amount it deems necessary.
The provisions of this section will not apply if the licensee meets the requirements specified in Section 1560 of the Health and Safety Code.
Reporting Requirements 80061
Any change in the chief executive officer of a corporation shall be submitted when?
Reporting Requirements 80061
The below must be reported to the licensing agency within 10 working days following the occurrence:
(1) The organizational changes specified in 80034
(2) Any change in the licensee’s or applicant’s mailing address
(3) Any change of the CEO of a corporation or association, including the CEO’s name, address, and fingerprints as specified in 80019
(4) Any changes in the plan of operation that affect the services to client.
Licensees must send copies of all substantiated complaints to board members of the licensed facility, parents, legal guardians, conservators, client right advocates or placement agencies, as designated in each client’s placement agreement in accordance with Health and Safety Code section 1538.5.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 80088
What is required for taps delivering water 125°F and above?
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 80088
Faucets used by clients for personal care must provide hot water.
Hot water temperature controls must automatically regulate temperature to attain a temperature of no less than 105 degrees and not more than 120 degrees.
Taps delivering water at or above 125 degrees must be prominently identified by warning signs.
All toilets, handwashing, and bathing facilities must be safe and sanitary. Additional equipment, aids, and conveniences shall be provided in facilities accommodating physically handicapped clients who require such items.
Reporting Requirements 80061
Any changes in the licensee’s or applicant’s mailing address shall be submitted within ________.
Reporting Requirements 80061
The below must be reported to the licensing agency within 10 working days following the occurrence:
(1) The organizational changes specified in 80034
(2) Any change in the licensee’s or applicant’s mailing address
(3) Any change of the CEO of a corporation or association, including the CEO’s name, address, and fingerprints as specified in 80019
(4) Any changes in the plan of operation that affect the services to client.
Licensees must send copies of all substantiated complaints to board members of the licensed facility, parents, legal guardians, conservators, client right advocates or placement agencies, as designated in each client’s placement agreement in accordance with Health and Safety Code section 1538.5.
Conditions for Forfeiture of Community Care Facility License 80035
Definitions 80001
If a licensee dies, an adult relative who has control of the property shall be allowed to continue the operation of the facility under what approval?
Conditions for Forfeiture of Community Care Facility License 80035
If the facility licensee dies, an adult relative who has control of the property may operate a previously licensed facility under an Emergency Approval to Operate provided:
(1) The relative notifies the Department by telephone during the first working day after the licensee’s death.
(2) The relative files with the Department within five days of the licensee’s death an Application for License and evidence of the licensee’s death. Department shall permit the relative to submit only the info on the front side of this form.
(3) The relative files with the CA Department of Justice within five calendar days of the licensee’s death his/her fingerprint cards.
If the adult relative complies with the above, he/she is not considered to be operating an unlicensed facility pending the Department’s approval of a provisional license.
Definitions 80001
(e)(3) “Emergency Approval to Operate” means a temporary approval to operate a facility for no more than 60 days pending the Department’s decision to approve or deny.
Definitions 80001
Examples of proof of control of property include:
Definitions 80001
(c)(18) “Control of Property” means the right to enter, occupy, and maintain the operation of the facility property within regulatory requirements. Evidence may include:
-Grant Deed
-Lease or rental agreement
-Court order or similar document that shows the authority to control the
property pending outcome of a probate proceeding or estate settlement
Inspection Authority of the Licensing Agency 80044
Licensing has the authority to inspect what part of the facility?
Inspection Authority of the Licensing Agency 80044
The licensing agency has the inspection authority specified in the Health and Safety Code 1526.5, 1533, 1534, and 1538
The licensing agency has the authority to interview clients, including children, or staff members without prior consent. The agency will ensure the interviews are private.
The licensing agency has the authority to inspect, audit, and copy client or facility records upon demand during normal business hours, and records may be removed if necessary. Removal of records is subject to Sections 80066 and 80070.
The licensee will ensure that provisions are made for the examination of all records relating to the operation of the facility.
The licensing agency has the authority to observe the physical condition of the client, including conditions that may indicate abuse, neglect, or inappropriate placement, and to have a licensed medical professional examine the client.
Buildings and Grounds 80087
In lieu of locked storage of firearms, what can the licensee do?
Buildings and Grounds 80087
Disinfectants, cleaning solutions, poisons, firearms and other items that could pose a danger if readily available to clients shall be stored where inaccessible to clients.
Storage areas for poisons, and firearms and other dangerous weapons shall be locked.
In lieu of locked storage of firearms, the licensee may use trigger locks or remove the firing pin.
Firing pins and ammunition shall be stored and locked separately from firearms.
Medicines shall be stored as specified in Section 80075 and separately from other items specified above.
The items specified above shall not be stored
in food storage areas or in storage areas used by or for clients.
Posting of License 85009
What size facility shall post the license in a prominent location?
Posting of License 85009
In facilities with a licensed capacity of seven or more, the license shall be posted in a prominent, publicly accessible location in the facility.
In facilities with a licensed capacity of six or fewer the license shall be retained in the facility and be available for review upon request.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 80088
The temperature in a client’s room should be heated to at least ___°F.
Fixtures, Furniture, Equipment, and Supplies 80088
Must maintain comfortable temperature for clients, between 68 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. In areas of extreme heat, the maximum temperature is 30 degrees below the outside temperature.
This regulation does not prohibit clients from adjusting individual thermostatic controls.
Window screens must be in good repair, free of insects, dirt, and debris.
Fireplaces and open-faced heaters must be inaccessible to clients.
Definitions 80001
True or False:
Activities of daily living mean bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, continence, and eating.
Definitions 80001
(a)(1) “Activities of Daily Living” mean the following six activities: bathing, dressing, toileting, transferring, continence, and eating.
Definitions 80001
True or False:
Adult residential facility means any facility of any capacity which provides 18-hour a day nonmedical care and supervision to adults.
Definitions 80001
(a)(5) “Adult Residential Facility” means any facility of any capacity which provides 24-hour a day nonmedical care and supervision to adults except elderly persons.
Definitions 80001
True or False:
ARF can also provide services to elderly people.
Definitions 80001
(a)(5) “Adult Residential Facility” means any facility of any capacity which provides 24-hour a day nonmedical care and supervision to adults except elderly persons.
Definitions 80001
True or False:
Capacity means the maximum number of persons authorized to be provided care and supervision at any one time in any licensed facility.
Definitions 80001
(c)(2) “Capacity” means the maximum number of persons authorized to be provided care and supervision at any one time in any licensed facility.
Fire Clearance 80020
True or False:
No further fire clearance of the facility is needed if the facility provides services to persons 65 years of age or older or to nonambulatory persons.
Fire Clearance 80020
Request for fire clearance shall be made through and maintained by the licensing agency using form LIC 9054 Local Fire Inspection Authority.
The applicant shall notify the licensing agency if the facility plans to admit any of the following categories of clients so that an appropriate fire clearance can be obtained prior to the acceptance of such clients:
-Persons 65 years of age and over.
-Persons who are nonambulatory.
-Persons who use postural supports pursuant to Section 80072(a)(8) are nonambulatory.
Plan of Operation 80022
True or False:
Each licensee shall have and maintain on file a current, written, definitive plan of operation.
Plan of Operation 80022
Each licensee shall have and maintain on file a current, written, definitive plan of operation containing:
(1) Statement of purposes, and program methods and goals
(2) Statement of admission policies and procedures regarding acceptance of clients
(3) A copy of the admission agreement
(4) Administrative organization, if applicable
(5) Staffing plan, qualifications and duties, if applicable
Waivers and Exceptions 80024
True or False:
Within 60 days of receipt of an acceptable request for a waiver or an exception, the licensing agency shall notify the applicant or licensee.
Waivers and Exceptions 80024
Within 30 days of receipt of a request, the licensing agency shall provide one of the following in writing:
(1) The request has been received and accepted for consideration.
(2) The request is deficient, describing additional information and time frame required.
Failure of the applicant or licensee to comply with the time specified in (2) shall result in denial.
Within 30 days of receipt of an acceptable request, the licensing agency shall notify the applicant of approval or denial in writing.
Provisional License 80030
True or False:
A provisional license can be issued for a maximum of 6 months.
Provisional License 80030
(b) The capacity of a provisional license shall be limited to the number of clients for whom urgent need has been established, or the capacity established for the specific facility, whichever is less.
(c) The licensing agency shall have the authority to issue a provisional license for a maximum of six months when it determines that full compliance with licensing regulations will be achieved within that time period.
(d) The licensing agency shall have the authority to issue a provisional license for a maximum of 12 months when it determines, at the time of application, that more than six months is required to achieve full compliance with licensing regulations due to circumstances beyond the control of the applicant.
New Application 80034
True or False:
The licensing agency shall have the authority to grant capacity increases without resubmission of an application following a licensing agency review and the securing of an appropriate fire clearance.
New Application 80034
A new application is required for a change in conditions or limitations described in current license such as:
-Sale or transfer of majority stock
-Separating from parent company
-Change in Facility Category
-Increase in Capacity
Licensing may grant capacity increases without new application. Must have review and fire clearance.
Permanent change in any client from ambulatory to nonambulatory status.
A new application is required if the applicant fails to complete a new application within the time limit required.
Follow-Up Visits to Determine Compliance 80053
True or False:
A follow-up visit shall be conducted within fourteen working days following the dates of correction specified in the notice of deficiency.
Follow-Up Visits to Determine Compliance 80053
A follow-up visit will be conducted to determine compliance with the plan of correction specified in the notice of deficiency.
At a minimum, the follow-up visit will occur within ten working days following the dates of corrections specified in the notice, unless the licensee has already demonstrated correction.
No penalty will be assessed if the follow-up visit does not occur.
If a follow-up visit indicates non-correction of the deficiency, the evaluator will issue notice of penalty, which will be in writing and include:
(1) The amount of penalty and date due
(2) The name and address of the agency responsible for collection
When an immediate penalty has been assessed and correction is made when the evaluator is present, a follow-up visit is not required.
Personnel Requirements 85065
True or False:
Day staff ratio for Regional Center clients shall be no less than one direct care staff to five clients.
Personnel Requirements 85065
Day Staff-Client Ratio
Whenever a client who relies upon others to perform all activities of daily living is present, the following minimum staffing requirements must be met:
(1) For Regional Center clients, staffing shall be maintained as specified by the Regional Center but no less than one direct care staff to three such clients.
(2) For all other clients, there shall be a staff-client ratio of no less than one direct care staff to three such clients.
Buildings and Grounds 85087
True or False:
The administrator may conduct interviews in the reception area.
Buildings and Grounds 85087
Facilities with a licensed capacity of 16 or more clients shall meet the following requirements:
-There shall be space available in the facility to serve as an office for
business, administration and admission activities.
-There shall be a private office in which the administrator may conduct private interviews.
-There shall be a reception area and a restroom facility designated for use by visitors.
Dining rooms or similar areas for food service shall be provided as specified in Section 85076.
Personal Services 85077
True or False:
Licensee is not required to provide basic laundry services including washing and drying of clients’ personal clothing.
Personal Services 85077
Licensees shall provide necessary personal assistance and care, as indicated in the needs and services plan, with activities of daily living including but not limited to dressing, eating, and bathing.
Licensees shall provide basic laundry services, including washing and drying of clients' personal clothing.