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Personal Rights in ARF: Laws and Reg Course

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Hours: 4   Approvals: ARF, SELECT ONE

Course Summary 

Geraldo Rivera’s expose of Willow Brook mental hospital in the 1960s gave the public an inside look at how the disabled and mentally ill were being abused. Despite decades of education and training violation of personal rights remains an ongoing problem in residential care facilities.  Students will learn how their communication style or behavior may unknowingly violate the personal rights of individuals under their charge.  Of all the personal rights treating people with dignity respect and the right to privacy are most easily taken for granted and violated.  Students will be exposed to scenarios that depict common situations in which personal rights are violated.

Course Objectives:
Awareness of basic human rights.
Comprehensive understanding of the rights of the developmentally disabled.
Familiarity with the provisions of the Lanterman Act.
Develop a  deeper knowledge of the right to be treated with dignity and respect and the right to privacy.
Familiarity with the advocacy and denial of rights process.