Medication Assistance Rights, Storage and PRN: Laws and Reg Course

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Hours: 4   Approvals: ARF, RCFE

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Course Summary 

Many clients require medication as part of their health care plan. There are many risks associated with medication such as harmful interactions, receiving the wrong medication or the wrong dosage, or taking medications at the wrong time or via the wrong route. Community Care licensing regulations are specific in how medications are stored and staff assist clients in taking their medication. Administrators are responsible for ensuring that staff under their charge are properly training in the self-administration, rights, and protocols associated with the medication.

Course Objectives:
Knowledge of rules regarding administration of medication; awareness of the right to refuse; ability to foster compliance and deter non-compliance
Understanding refills and dosage changes; avoidance of medication errors and adverse drug interactions
Familiarity with medication labels, packaging, and proper storage and disposal practices
Awareness of PRN and over-the-counter medication requirements
Have knowledge of record-keeping and communication
Comprehension of the “Seven Rights,” common ailments of the developmentally disabled, and chemical restraint restrictions