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Receipts for cash provided to any client from his/or her account shall include the following 80026(A): Mark all that are true.
Each licensee shall maintain accurate records of accounts of cash resources, personal property, and valuables entrusted to his/her care:
According to Title 22, if admission is agreed to, the facility shall: 85068.1
Mark all that are true.
Admission and retention
Which of the following are examples of developmental disabilities? 8001 (d) Mark all that are true.
Disability that occurs before an individual is 18.
Which of the following must be part of the client record in an ARF? 85070
Client record has to contain this information.
The current register of clients must contain which of the following: 80071 Mark all that are true.
Licensee shall maintain register for all clients.
What clients cannot be accepted or retained in an ARF? 85068.4 Mark all that are true.
The licensee shall not accept or retain these things.
This person must be notified
Prescription medications that are not taken with the client upon termination of services shall _______. 80075 (o)
When a client's needs cannot be met by the facility and the client refuses to relocate, a report is to be made to the licensing agency but the licensee is prohibited from evicting the client. 85068.3
The admission agreement shall be automatically terminated by the death of a client. No liability or debt shall accrue after the date of death. 80068(h)
A client whose primary need is acute psychiatric care due to a mental disorder may be accepted in an ARF. 85068.4
Prior to accepting a client for care and supervision, the person responsible for admissions shall ___________. 85068.1
Mark all that are true.
An example of someone to provide consultation with modification to needs and services plan may include _____________. 85068.3(b)(1)
Nonpayment of rent for basic services within ten days of the due date is a _____________. 85068.5
A licensee shall ___________ to accept(ing) for admission or continue to care for any client whose incapacities as documented by the initial or subsequent needs appraisals would require the licensee to handle such clients cash resources. 80026(a)
The bank account set up for the clients cash resources shall __________. 80026(i)(2-4)
The licensee _____________ obtain and retain a receipt signed by the client or his/her authorized representative in the event that cash resources or valuables are surrendered to the client upon discharge. 80026(k(1).
The licensee shall be permitted to evict a client by serving the client with a 30-day written notice if client failed to make a payment within ten days of the due date. 85068.5
The licensee shall and can accept any person whose primary need is acute psychiatric care due to a mental disorder. 85068.4(a)(5)
Any staff of an ARF can administer the fecal impaction removal. 80092.5(3)
Client records should include: 80070
The admission agreement shall be automatically terminated by the death of a client. 80068(h)
The applicant shall notify the licensing agency if the facility plans to admit any of the following categories of clients so that an appropriate fire clearance can be obtained prior to the acceptance of such clients: 80020(b)
The client or the client's authorized representative, if any, has ___________ working days from the receipt of the relocation order to submit to the licensee a written, signed, and dated request for a review and determination by IDT. 80094.5(b)
Client records should include which of the following:
The licensee may evict a client upon ________ days notice. 80068.5(a)
The licensee may evict a client for which of the following reasons: 80068.5
Prior to accepting the client for care and supervision, the person responsible for admission shall ____________ the prospective client. 85068.1(c): Mark all the correct answers.
Admission agreements shall be signed by the client no later than how many days after admission? 80068
Admission agreements are automatically terminated, and liability or debt accrued are stopped when client dies. 80068
A written relocation plan to move a client shall not exceed how many days? 80078
In facilities licensed for __________ or more there shall be a posted activity program. 85079
What documentation is required, related to resident council meetings? 85080
How long are client records retained?
Modification condition to the admission agreement requires how much notice ?
The death of a client requires a written report submitted to licensing within how many days? 80061
A client may be given notice of eviction within how many days for nonpayment of the rate for basic services? 80068.5
Cash resources means monetary gifts, tax credits or refunds, employment earning, and personal and incidental need allowances. 80001.3
Universal Precautions means an approach to infection control that treat all human blood and body fluids as if they are infectious. 80001(u)(1)
Receipts for cash provided to any client from their account shall include the client's full signature and a statement acknowledging receipt of the amount and date it was received. 80026.1(A)
Cash resources entrusted to the licensee and kept on the facility premises shall be kept in a locked and secure location. 80026(J)
The licensee shall maintain a record of all monetary gifts and for other gift exceeding an estimated value of $250, provided by or on behalf of a client to the licensee, administrator, or staff, 80026(n)
When serving the client with either a 30-day or a 3-day notice to evict, the licensee shall on the same day overnight mail or fax a copy of the notice to the client's authorized representative. 80068.5(d)
A client suspected of having a contagious or infectious disease shall be isolated and a physician contracted to determine suitability of the client't retention in the facility. 85075.4(d)
An open-flame type of light can be used by high functioning clients. 85088(e)(1)
Which of the following are considered prohibited health conditions in conditions community care? 80091(a)
Universal precautions means: 80001(u)(1)
Dishwashing machine shall reach a temperature of ________ *F during the washing and/or drying cycle. 80076(a)(20)(A)
Dishwashing machine shall reach a temperature of ________ *F during the washing and/or drying cycle. 80076(a)(20)(A)
If a licensee intends to admit or care for one or more clients who have a restricted health condition, the policies program description shall include: 8022(d)
All foods or beverages capable of supporting rapid and progressive growth of microorganisms which can cause food infections shall be stored in covered containers at _________*F. 80076(a)(14)
_______________ diets prescribed by a client's physician as a medical necessity shall be provided. 80076(a)(6)
For the client whose physician has stated in writing that the client is unable to determine his/her own need for nonprescription PRN medication but can communicate his/her symptom clearly, then the following requirements apply: 80075(c)
Which of the following is not a restricted health condition?
No more than 15 hours shall elapse between the third meal of one day and the first meal of the following day. 80076(A)
If clients like to eat their food in their bedroom, they should not be encouraged to eat their meals with others.
Supplies of nonperishable foods should be maintained for a minimum of: 85076(d)(1)
Dishwashing machines shall reach a temperature _________ *F. 80076(a)(20)(A)
Menus shall be written at least _______ in advance. 80076(a)(5)
Assistance in dressing, grooming, bathing and other personal hygiene is defined as Care and Supervision. 80001(c)(2)
Assistance in dressing, grooming, bathing and other personal hygiene is defined as Care and Supervision. 80001(c)(2)
Fecal impaction can be administered by the facility staff if the licensed professional is not available. 80092.5(3)
A Licensee of an adult CCF may accept or retain a client who has contractures. 80077.5(a)
Which of the following does not define Activities of Daily living (ADLs)? 8001
Which of the following is a restricted health condition: 80092
No more than ______ hours may elapse between the third and first meal. 80076
In facilities of ___________ persons or more, menus shall be written at least ________ week(s) in advance. 80076
Residents are to be observed for physical changes in health and weight ____________ .85075.4
What portion of servings recommended by the USDA basic food group plan shall be served at each meal?
Refrigerators shall maintain a maximum temperature of ___________ *F. 85076
How long are menus kept on file?
What size of facility must have regular consultation from a nutritionist, dietitian or home economist? 85065
What cannot be used as a beverage? 80076: Mark all the correct answers.
Fresh perishable foods for a minimum of _______ shall be maintained. 85076
What should be provided in case of temporary need?
Freezers must maintain a temperature of ___________ degrees Fahrenheit 85076.
Postural supports require a physician order. 80072
An example of a postural support is: 80072
Physician-prescribed orthopedic devices such as braces or casts used for support of a weakened body part or correction of body parts are not considered postural supports. 80072.1
The licensee shall regularly observe each client or changes in physical, mental, emotional, and social functioning. 85075.4(a)
Administrators shall complete at least _________ classroom hours of continuing education during the ________ year certification period. 85064.3
What size facility must have a designated employee (who either receives on the job training or has related experience) who has primary responsibility for food planning and preparation and services? 85065(e)(2)
All personnel shall be given on-the-job training or shall have related experience, which provides knowledge of and skill in which of the following areas? 80065(f)(1-6)
A dated employee time schedule shall be developed at least _____________. 85066
Employees must be fingerprinted and sign a statement regarding prior criminal convictions __________. 80019
Testing for tuberculosis (TB) for employees shall be conducted __________. 80065(g)
A person who supervises employees and/or volunteers must be atleast 21 years of age. 80065(d)(1)
Adults who supervise while clients are using a pool or other body of water from which rescue requires the rescuer ability to swim shall possess a lifeguard certificate. 80065(e)(2)
In facilities required to have a signal system at least two staff person shall be responsible for responding to the signal system. 85065.6(E)(i)
All Adult Residential facilities shall have a(n): 85064(b)
Employees providing care from 10:00 PM to 7:00 AM shall _________. 85065.6
In facilities for 16 to 49, the following is required for the person with primary responsibility for the organization, and implementation of planned activities. 85065(d)(1)(a)
By regulation, an administrator of an ARF must be on the premise: 85064(e)
Within 3 months of becoming an administrator, the individual shall receive HIV and TB training. 85604(k)
Any person willfully making any false representation as being a certified ARF administrator is guilty of a misdemeanor. 85064.2(d)
Certificates not renewed within four years of their expiration date shall not be renewed, restored, reissued or reinstated. 85064.3(e)
Certificates not renewed within four years of their expiration date require a delinquency fee equal to three times the renewal fee or three hundred dollars. 85064.3(3)
Administrator certificates can expire on either the anniversary date of initial issuance or on the individual's birthday. 85064.2(f)
The administrator of an ARF shall be atleast 18 years of age. 85064(c)
For all clients including those able to perform all activities of daily living the minimum staffing ratio is one care staff for each three clients. 85065.5(2)